zaterdag 22 maart 2014

Internet Detox... almost cold turkey

Yes dear followers, I am suffering from a severe case of internet detox. Due to being uh.... gullible i guess, I got a debt with them that I couldn't pay straight away and my ISP decided to partially disconnect me from their services meaning that I can't call, go online or watch digital television but I can receive calls and watch "analog" channels.

I said almost cold turkey because luckily I have some friends that kindly let me use their system for some checking and small updates and such.

I never realized that internet could be a necessity but I can tell you that seems to be the case, I can tell by the fact that I keep switching on my browser every time I need to find something out or have seen something on the news. Just following it up with a sigh and the realisation that this is a useless excercise.

I hope to have this solved soon and in the mean time will probably post (when possible)  small blogs, reblogs and updates. Hope to be back within a few days and 2 weeks at most.

4 opmerkingen:

  1. Totally understand!! I feel the same. We're keeping your spot!!

  2. Reblogged this on It Is What It Is and commented:
    I know the feeling .....

  3. I know the feeling...Keeping your spot the way you left it.

  4. Ooops! Nevermind, happens to the best of us, can't be helped :) I use mobile broadband so my biggest problems are either dropping connections or running out of data before the end of the billing month. This doesn't happen too often but when it does it drives me crazy! No internet??!!! Oh wolf! This cannot be! But we are strong! We will survive! Right? See you soon!
