donderdag 27 maart 2014

The Semper Fidelis Award: Eddie "the Bishop" Tatro


A little info about Bishop Eddie
I currently live in Dexter, Maine.  I’m an Canonical Anglican Priest and Bishop; I may be a man of God and be religious but I don’t push my religion and faith down people’s throat, also I am also a “conservative” when it comes to politics. I am an open book so feel free to ask me any questions you may have.

The Bishop blogs about a wide range of subjects and often has some good music and/or poetry.

Although you know the rules probably here they are ones more.

This award stands for the loyalty and love between friends.

The Rules:

  • Add the Semper Fidelis Award logo somewhere on your blog.

  • Thank the person who nominated you and link back to their blog.

  • Nominate 5 bloggers who’s loyalty and friendship you value and you consider being part of your ‘pack of wolves’ on WordPress.

  • Post something special for all of your nominees separately and dedicate it to them. This can be a quote, saying, poem, picture, anything you think that would fit that person.

  • Let the nominees know that you’ve nominated them.


Sloane Jensen / Loveland, Colorado / Age 16

I am a wolf,
running through the trees.
Following the scents,
on the midnight breeze.

I am a wolf,
howling beneath a silver moon.
Hoping that my loyal pack,
will answer back quite soon.

I am a wolf,
standing with my beautiful mate.
We must stand strong and brave,
and face any challenges we meet.

I am a wolf,
Hunting with my pack.
With the young and the old wolves waiting,
for meat to be brought back.

I am a wolf,
and I must kill to survive.
But isn't that something we all must do,
in order to stay alive?

I am a wolf,
withstanding man's fear and hate.
But many have come to love wolves,
and for us that's quite a treat.

I am a wolf,
wild, fierce and free.
Living in forests and mountains,
stretching as far as the eye can see.

I am a wolf,
I'd never want to be anything more.
And I hope that even after I'm gone,
there will be wolves forevermore.


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